Meet our Kinkajou coaches in our quick-fire chats about what inspired us to become coaches.

What inspired you to become a coach?
After teaching Psychology for many years, I studied for a Master's in Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology and was blown away by how impactful coaching could be.
As much of psychology focuses on deficit, I particularly enjoyed that positive psychology and coaching focused on flourishing. It allows individuals to explore what else is possible for them and how they can actively generate positive changes in their lives.
What led you to specialise in ADHD Coaching, the area that you concentrate on?
My lived experience of undiagnosed ADHD for most of my life led me to specialise in coaching neurodivergent leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals wanting to make life better.
As with many other neurodivergent people, I worked hard over the years trying to ‘do things the way they should be done’ but often found the strategies that worked for everyone else didn’t necessarily work for me.
Having had training specifically to support ADHDers, I have a different set of tools that work with how the ADHD brain functions. This supports individuals to better understand their needs, uncover their strengths and tap into their intrinsic motivations.
What are you reading or listening to for fun right now?
Circe, by Madeline Miller. It’s a reimaging of the story of the Greek goddess Circe with themes of identity, transformation and empowerment.
Describe yourself in three words;
Curious, adventurous and enthusiastic!
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
The importance of connection with others. Communication can be easier when I feel good, and things are going well, but it can be tempting to deal with things alone in challenging times. However, the sense of support and belonging I gain from seeking those connections when life feels challenging actually helps me build more resilience, improving my mental and physical health.

What's the best advice you've ever had?
It's more of a concept than advice, but it’s ‘you are not your thoughts’. The concept is rooted in mindfulness, and it challenges us not to believe everything we think. Where our thoughts are not helpful, we can ask ourselves questions like, ‘Is this really true?’ or ‘Is there evidence for the contrary?’ This can help us take a more empowering perspective.

What brings you joy?
Humpback whales! I’m currently on an internship in marine mammal data collection and just feel in absolute awe of these animals every time I see them!